Current Research Projects:
1) RANGE (NSF Growing Convergence Research)
2) Green Growth and Sámi Stakeholders
(Research Council of Norway)
3) Award-winning Research Group OU CHEPS
Chair and Planner, PR Division, ICA (2015-2019)

For the past 14 years, I have been an active member of the International Communication Association (ICA). In 2004, as an ICA Student Board member, I initiative discussions at the Board and helped the ICA Board to adopt a policy to grant complimentary memberships to universities from UN-designated B- and C-tier countries as a means to encourage scholarship dissemination and ICA engagement throughout the world. In the past, I have served on the ICA Internationalization Committee and several committees of the ICA PR Division. I served as a Vice-Chair of ICA PR Division from 2015 to 2017 and planned the PRD program for 2016 and 2017 ICA conferences. Between 2017 and 2019, I served as a Chair of the ICA Public Relations Division. I am thankful that ICA PRD members have entrust me with leading our Division as we continued to pursue several critically important initiatives:
Together with the members of the division, we maintained and increased the international diversity in our Division. We all have much to learn from our colleagues throughout the world. We need to engage in conversations beyond the opportunities that exist at the conferences. We also must find ways to increase access to scholarship written in languages other than English.
We strengthened the interactions between our Division and other Divisions.Under my leadership, PR Division started co-hosting receptions together with the Organization Communication Division at ICA conferences. This move brought members of two divisions together to get to know one another better and to further discuss possible collaborations.
We worked closely with local partners at different conference sites, from Japan to Czech Republic to the USA to continue a fine tradition of face-to-face networking between members and professionals in host cities of ICA conferences.